Welcome to BREAATHHE
Bringing Rural Experience And Awareness To Hunter Health Education
BREAATHHE is proud to be one of 28 Rural Health Clubs (RHC) nationally as part of the National Rural Health Students Network (NRHSN). Like all RHCs, BREAATHHE aims to promote rural and remote practice to our members through information exchange, placement opportunities, support and advocacy. With 1000+ members, we’re proud to be one of the largest Rural Health Clubs in the country!
We have a multi-disciplinary focus – with members from Medicine, Medical Radiation Science, Nursing, Nutrition & Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Oral Health, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Psychology, Social Work, Midwifery and Speech Pathology – so it’s a great chance to learn more about other health professions and make some contacts that just might come in handy at the end of your studies.
We run a number of activities each year in order to encourage and promote rural and remote health careers to our members. Our activities provide fun and educational experiences for students and include our annual Skills Night, trips to rural and remote areas, themed multidisciplinary networking nights (like our Rural Soiree), Rural High School Visits, cultural awareness training, Indigenous health nights, Indigenous Community Engagement activities, Interprofessional development speaker nights, and lots more! Learn more about each of our events here!
BREAATHHE membership is just $5 for the life of your degree and gets you a line to the latest opportunities and events. So what are you waiting for? Join Now! (QPay)
Attachments :

By becoming a member of your Rural Health Club, you are also a member of the National Rural Health Student Network (NRHSN). The NRHSN represents the future of rural health in Australia. It has more than 9,000 members who belong to 28 university Rural Health Clubs from all states and territories. It is Australia’s only multi-disciplinary student health network, bringing together people studying medicine, nursing and allied health, encouraging them to pursue rural health careers. It is important to keep your details up-to-date to ensure your RHC and the NRHSN can keep you informed of everything exciting that’s happening in rural health.