Welcome to LARHC
The La Trobe Rural Health Club was founded in 1997. We are based at La Trobe in Bendigo, but encompasses all La Trobe University Campuses. We are very proud to be the only rural health club in regional Victoria. The La Trobe Rural Health Club was founded in 1997. We are based at La Trobe in Bendigo, but encompasses all La Trobe University Campuses. We are very proud to be the only rural health club in regional Victoria. All students undertaking a health related course or interested in rural and remote health are encouraged to join our Rural Health Club. Currently, we have members from La Trobe University across all campuses, and a range of disciplines including Nursing, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Oral Health, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Social Work, Public Health, Speech Pathology, Psychology, Paramedics, Dietetics, Podiatry and Health Sciences.
Our aims are to:
- Provide insight into rural health
- Promote a multidisciplinary approach to health
- Include and involve all members in club activities
- Serve the wider community through ongoing activities and events
- Assist rural students considering a career in health sciences
- And most of all, to have a little FUN along the way
LARHC runs many events over the year including:
- Allied Health Gala
- First Aid Courses
- Rural High School Visits
- Careers Day out
- Clinical Skills day
- Sausage Sizzles
- Annual Fun Run and many more as our club develops! Stay tuned!
- LARHC also provides a scholarship to 1 LARHC member.
By becoming a member of your Rural Health Club, you are also a member of the National Rural Health Student Network (NRHSN). The NRHSN represents the future of rural health in Australia. It has more than 9,000 members who belong to 29 university Rural Health Clubs from all states and territories. It is Australia’s only multi-disciplinary student health network, bringing together people studying medicine, nursing and allied health, encouraging them to pursue rural health careers. It is important to keep your details up-to-date to ensure your RHC and the NRHSN can keep you informed of everything exciting that’s happening in rural health.
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