Rural Health Scholarships

ADA Grants for Rural and Remote Dental Students

AMA Indigenous Peoples’ Medical Scholarship

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Bursaries

  • Annual Value: Various
  • Applications Close: Various
  • More Information: Check with individual university

Australian College of Nursing Scholarships, grants and awards

Australian Defence Force – Graduate Medical Scholarship

Australian Rotary Health Scholarships

Barwon CWA Group Annual Medical Scholarships

Betty Josephine Fyffe Rural Allied Health Scholarship

Betty Josephine Fyffe Rural Equity Scholarships

Betty Josephine Fyffe Rural Medical Excellence Scholarship

Bush Bursary & Country Women’s Association Scholarships

CRANAplus Awards, Schol­ar­ships & Grants

GP Synergy General Practice Scholarships for Medical Students

HETI Rural Medical Trainee Scholarship

Health Workforce Scholarship Program

John Flynn Placement Program

MDA National and RDAA Rural Health Bursary

MIGA Student Elective Grants Program

NSW Rural Resident Medical Officer Cadetships

NSW Rural Allied Health Clinical Placement Grants

Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship Scheme

RACGP/APHCRI Indigenous Health Awards

RACP Indigenous Health Scholarship Program

RAS Foundation Rural Scholarships

RDAA Medical Student of the Year Award

RFDS Give Them Wings Scholarships

Rural Pharmacy Scholarship Scheme

RWAV Rural Clinical Placement Grants

Rural Health West Annual Conference Sponsorships

SARRAH Free student membership

  • Annual Value: Varies, and with how much you take advantage of the offer!
  • Includes discounted event attendance for multiple events throughout the year as well as free aceess to a bunch of great resources
  • More Information:

The House Call Doctor Futures in Health Indigenous Scholarship

The Land/RDA NSW Rural Medical Scholarship

Victorian Rural Health Conference Grant

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